Young Steve Rogers ( Chris Evans) is a puny Brooklyn kid who is routinely beat upon by bullies he dreams of joining the Army and defending America against the Nazis. We open with an archetypal 90-pound weakling comic books of that period featured ads showing muscle men kicking sand into the face of such specimens, who were advised to mail-order Charles Atlas for body-building help. This film opens with the discovery of an enormous flying wing embedded in polar ice, and when a gloved hand reaches out to brush away the ice on a window, why, there's Captain America's shield! This film's plot involves his origin story and adventures during World War II, and I'm sure we'll discover in sequels that he was revived after the cryogenic nap to crusade again in the new day. Still to come, without doubt, are Ant-Man and Wasp. We have already had films inspired by Iron Man, the Hulk and Thor. The words "The First Avenger" are fraught with significance for Marvel fans.